Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pumpkin Week!

This week we worked on the short u sound and learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin. They made short u pumpkin books and added pictures and words that made the short u sound. They also made a pumpkin book that sequenced the life cycle of a pumpkin. All of our centers were “pumpkin” themed.

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At one center they got to make Silly Pumpkin Stories using pumpkin faces to complete illustrations to go with sentences that used our sight words and they completed: The pumpkin _______ can _______.  The pumpkin _______ will _______.  The pumpkin _______ is ______.  These were a few examples:  The pumpkin bunny can hop.  The pumpkin girl will jump.  The pumpkin boy is hot. They had fun making these pictures and sharing their sentences. Pumpkin Week 007

At this center they worked with each of the short vowel sounds and used letter tiles to create 8 words for each short vowel.

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Graphing is a skill we are working on in math. At this center they graphed different colors of pumpkins and then added sets.

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At this center they got to play “Pumpkin Bingo”. They rolled 2 dice and wrote number sentences and covered their bingo board with the correct answer.

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Our listening center was The Runaway Pumpkin.  They then got to play the game “Rotten Pumpkin” where they worked on numbers 1-100. 

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Friday we finished up our week with a power point story called Pumpkin Farmer, Pumpkin Farmer, What Do You See? They made Pumpkin Farmer books with the story and did the illustrations to show the life cycle of a pumpkin. Then we had a fun filled afternoon of pumpkin art.

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